Published On:Thursday 23 April 2015
Posted by Unknown

Everywhere around the world there is more support growing for the freedom of West Papua!

Everywhere around the world there is more support growing for the freedom of West Papua!
A Free West Papua awareness raising event was held yesterday in Hawaii. This photo and text is from We Bleed Black and Red

"Last night was beautiful and so full of heart. So much furious aloha for everyone who came and supported and put their soul into this raising of voices for supporting West Papua independence. Let's keep spreading the word to bring attention and to help end this occupation and all of this violence...."

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Saya adalah Peziarah Kehidupan yang berkelana di Ilalang Kebebasan, demi mencari kehidupan yang menghidupkan untuk mengusik Duka Nestapa di Negeri Hitamku.


bagikan kontent ini!

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Mengabdi Pada Gerakan Pembebasan Nasional Papua 27 Juli 1998 – 27 Juli 2016.

Saya, ALFRIDUS DUMUPA selaku admin blog UGAI PIYAUTO mengucapkan:
"Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun AMP Yang Ke - 18 ".
