Published On:Sunday 7 December 2014
Posted by Unknown

Ronny Kareni : Indonesia Membuat Masyarakat Papua Barat Hidup Terancam

From Melbourne, Australia. The Indonesian government tried to stop West Papuans celebrating their independence day on Dec 1st in Federeation Square, Melbourne.

Australian Prime minister Tony Abbott had previously told the Indonesian government that he would help keep the West Papuan voice quiet and that those who raised the issue of genocide and self determination in West Papua, "were not welcome in Australia"

After the event was advertised on Facebook last week, the Indonesian consulate in Melbourne immediately sought a meeting with Federation Square.

They raised concerns about the Facebook event, wanting it to be taken down, and then wanted assurances the Morning Star flag would not be raised or shown at the event.

It is understood Federation Square refused because it is apolitical, supportive of all cultural groups, and cannot prevent members of the public wearing whatever they want and raising their own flags.

West Papuan activist Ronny Kareni told New Matilda members of the West Papuan community often had their events threatened, or were under surveillance by Indonesia.

“They use scare tactics behind closed doors to go after organisations or groups of people that want to support West Papua,” Mr Kareni said.

“They approached Federation Square a couple of days after they saw the event page on Facebook. They rang a particular day five times and pressured them to pull down the event on the website.”

Full report.

Source : Free West Papua Campaign


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